Wednesday, March 29, 2006

You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free.

in Poland is 13-15 decrease so spring is going very slow,but there are already a lot of small beautiful flowers like this :)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

They want to be free , I wish them a lot of luck and strenght! (Mińsk,Belorussia)

Monday, March 06, 2006

chcialabym cos napisać, ale jakos weny brak, ciągle zabieram się do pracy magisterskiej ,ale do niej też nie mam weny;) pomocy! napisze slowa piosenki , którą bardzo lubie..
"jesli kogoś kochasz jesli wiesz,czym jest milosć jaki jest jej sens,jesli tylko szczęscie widzieć chcesz, mów do mnie czule mów do mnie szeptem...jesli zawsze znasz odpwiedz, co dalej jest..."

I would like to write something but I don't have inspiration, I'm trying now write my thesis but I don't have inspiration too ;)hepl! so I will write words of some song I like...
"if love someone if you know what is love , and what sense it have, if you want to see only happines, talk to me sensitive, talk to me in a whisper...if you always know the answer,what is after everything ...."

Friday, March 03, 2006

hymm...anyone want to comment this?;)
"Everybody knows that it's impossible to do so, as it's impossible to do so. And then comes the one who doesn't know it's impossible to do so, and he does so."